

When posting to social 媒体 as a representative of the University, consider applying some or all of the following techniques in order to create posts that can be accessed by as many of your account’s fans and followers as possible.

超过4000万美国人——或者说1200万.7 percent of the population—lived with a disability in 2017, according to the US Census.

Disabilities can include difficulties or impairments (temporary or permanent) with vision, 听力, 认知, 或移动. People with disabilities often use assistive technology to access digital content in their preferred format. 例子包括:

  • 屏幕阅读器或放大镜
  • 字幕
  • 语音命令
  • 拼写和语法工具
  • Mind或site地图

为了不辜负 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的价值观 的多样性, 包容, 和访问, our digital content—including social 媒体 posts—should be accessible to all users.


一般来说, social 媒体 content that is easy to read and understand will be more accessible for everyone, including people with cognitive disabilities and non-native English speakers. Write using clear prose in short sentences and paragraphs. Avoid jargon and be sure to spell out acronyms on first reference, especially since these can be confusing when read separately without context or explanation.

Include subtitles, closed captioning, or transcripts

Videos posted to social 媒体 should include captions or audio descriptions. 脸谱网 lets page account managers upload captions as an accompanying SRT file and enable closed captions on 脸谱网 Live broadcasts. YouTube can automatically create captions for video uploads (just be sure to double check the auto-captioning to fix any errors).

播客或其他基于音频的媒体, 与此同时, should have accompanying transcripts readily available.

Write alt text, image descriptions, and captions

替代文本, 也就是Alt文本, 提供替代图像的文本, 媒体, 和其他非文本内容(动画), 图表, 信息图, 等.)在网络和社交媒体上.

When writing alt text for non-decorative visuals, remember to:

  • Describe the image itself within the context of the social 媒体 post. 例如, if the Instagram caption doesn’t describe the accompanying photo in a meaningful way—perhaps you’re using a quote along with a scenic campus photo—then you’ll want to manually add an image description (under “Advanced Settings”). Alternatively, you can incorporate the alt text into the social 媒体 post itself, like so:
  • 言简意赅. 常用的JAWS屏幕阅读器, 例如, will subdivide alt text that is more than 125 characters.
  • 避免冗余. No need to include “Image of…” in the description since the alt attribute implies that information.
  • End the alt text with a period, which makes the screen reader pause after the last word.
  • Use dashes for acronyms, otherwise the screen reader tries to read the acronym as a word. 例如, you might write “USA” as “U-S-A” in the alt text so the screen reader doesn’t pronounce it as “usa.”
  • 避免将文字“烧”到图片上. Any important information that is burned or embedded into the image should be easily readable and conveyed in the alt text.

对于更长的描述(需要), 说, 信息图表或图表), use the caption and then write alt text that complements the caption by enhancing, 澄清, or contextualizing rather than repeating information.

了解更多关于 来自WebAIM的替代文本. 另一个很好的资源是 《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》 written by a web developer with vision impairment.


Here’s how you can turn on the alt text or image description function on these common social 媒体 channels:

  • 推特 – Profile > Settings and privacy > 可访问性 > Compose image descriptions
  • Instagram – Instagram adds automatic alt text using object re认知 technology, but you can create your own. 在“写标题…”屏幕上, click Advanced Settings (at the bottom) > Write Alt Text (under 可访问性)
  • 脸谱网 - 脸谱网也使用自动alt文本, but you can write your own when you want to provide a better description

作为社会媒体上的机构, it’s our responsibility to make these kinds of shared spaces welcoming ones for our own communities of fans and followers.


Appropriate spacing between words improves readability, 但社交媒体上的话题标签不使用空格. 所以试着用“camel case”作为标签. Camel case means capitalizing the first letter of multiple words in a hashtag, which makes the hashtag appear to have humps (like a camel’s back). This makes it easier for people to read and understand the hashtag.

Compare #WomensHistoryMonth versus #womenshistorymonth, #FridayReads versus #fridayreads.


You can explicitly describe the content you’re linking to or featuring in your social 媒体 post (e.g.,[图片],[视频],[音频],[gif]).

这样做让用户, including those with screen readers or limited data on their mobile devices, 在点击链接之前要知道会发生什么. “Predictability is a key component of accessibility,” 说s 无障碍顾问Janet Sylvia.


社交媒体 is constantly changing, with new and improved accessibility features added regularly. In 2018, Instagram introduced the ability to create customized alt text, a positive step in the direction of accessibility. 但在写这篇文章的时候, Instagram的故事, those posts and videos that vanish after 24 hours, 仍然缺乏某些基本的辅助功能.

Of course, there are workarounds, such as editing and captioning apps, tools, tutorials, and hacks. We find it can also be useful to post your social 媒体 content in multiple formats and on multiple channels, ensuring that people can access the information in their preferred ways.


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